Need to remember …

Tricky period with work and people management. I haven’t had the time or headspace to write a post and I have been remiss in reading others blogs. I have a few days leave next week and plan to enjoy catching up with everyone one here. In the meantime, I am going to remember that kindness is key and my intention for today is to practise kindness to others and myself. This week has lacked the quality of kindness somewhat.

Claire x

32 thoughts on “Need to remember …”

    1. I had such a tricky interaction with a work colleague and I let it fester, interrupted my sleep, kept going round and round in my thoughts. After I posted this earlier I thought … just pick up the phone and Call him, be kind, say you are sorry the argument happened and try to discuss the issue again. That’s exactly what I did. He was so appreciative and I felt 100 times better afterwards. All too often we forget that kindness is the best route forward. Thanks for the comment Anne 💕

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    1. It really helped me yesterday to remember to practice it. I can get very caught up in my own head and thinking. Kindness to others takes me pit of it and can break a very negative cycle for me. Xx

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    1. Thanks. I decided to handle the situation in a way that felt appropriate for me. Luckily it worked out, but even if it hadn’t I would have felt I had done my best and been kind. That’s helps even when things don’t go as planned. Hope you are ok … love to you too 💗💗


    1. It is isn’t it? I can catch myself thinking unkind things or acting in a way that is not from a place of kindness. That’s when I feel very at odds with myself and my anxiety takes over. Such an important part of feeling good about ourselves … kindness to us and others! ❤️

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  1. That phone call is a wonderful example of what the world needs more of Claire. Having those tricky conversations with kindness, honesty, humility and a heck of a lot of courage. Bravo. Too often I hear people tell me they never have those conversations. Rather it leads to gossip, unhealthy criticism, addiction or ends up in a complaints with Human Resources which can destroy any sense of trust and ‘togetherness.’ I’m a big believer in having those tough talks, but geez, it’s taken me decades to do it.
    And I love that book. X


    1. The book is fabulous. One of my work friends bought it me a month ago and I refer to it a lot. I agree, I felt the situation was escalating and these things so often gain their own momentum and go the wrong way! A little compassion, trying to see things from his point of view and a kind approach made all the difference. 😊 x


      1. Again, well done to you. Took courage and sounds like it resulted in a great outcome for both of you.
        And I believe that book was the #1 selling graphic novel in the world in 2020. 👍🏻

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  2. I get this, Claire. There are weeks life just feels off. You are very wise to reconnect to Kindness my friend! We are all connected but sometimes we get caught up in our own world and start running off the rails. We gather ourselves up and notice our “cord” has become disconnected and it’s time to Reconnect.❤️

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    1. Absolutely. I know if I spend the time reconnecting to my authentic self and behave and interact in a manner true to that, I feel so much better no matter what the outcome. Kindness should be at the core of all we think and do. ❤️

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