Keto sucks!

This is a short post. After spending a fair amount of money to follow a keto diet and sticking to it religiously for 3 weeks I have lost a grand total of 2lbs. I have had no treats, no pasta, no chips, no potatoes, no chocolate, no sugar, extremely limited carbs (like no bread in 3 weeks) etc etc. I have watched my family tuck into fish and chips, pizza, pasta dishes etc etc and have had none. Zero. Nada. I sat there with my egg, avocado, salad and salmon pretending I wasn’t salivating over the smell of the chips. I haven’t once had my absolutely favourite – a creamy mocha latte and on holiday I didn’t treat myself to the cream tea I was desperate for.

In addition we have walked at least 5 miles or cycled over 10 miles each day. This week alone I gained 3lbs. I never put that much weight on, even when I have had a terrible week eating wise. What is that about?

So my verdict on the keto diet. It sucks! I am off out now to buy myself a coffee like the one in the photo and maybe an almond croissant too. Life is too god damn short. See ya!

Claire x

48 thoughts on “Keto sucks!”

  1. I’ve always wondered about keto, thanks for the update! That must have been so hard sticking to it while family eats whatever they want. Shows how strong you are! I would totally ditch that diet, give it a big FU and enjoy your wonderful coffee and croissant! You deserve it! 😘

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    1. I’m with you Jackie. It has thrown me which is what happens to me at the moment. Not so resilient after all. Not a good day today sadly. Bloody mental health problems. They can have the big FU too. Xxx


      1. Oh man, I’m so sorry to hear you’re not having a good day! 😞 I completely understand though because you are going through so much and we’re really hoping keto would help you in multiple ways. I’m really feeling for you right now! ❤️ Have you ever tried intermittent fasting? Some say it’s good, some not. I did it for awhile about a year ago. I wasn’t too perfect with it. I wouldn’t eat breakfast and fast from the previous nights dinner to lunch the next day. Did that a few days quite easily. Then gradually here and there I’d throw in fasting from dinner to dinner the next day. You can eat beef broth and I drank a lot of my flavored sparkling water. On weekends I still drank Saturday nights and had snack foods. I also had a Sunday breakfast so pretty much on weekends I wasn’t very diligent with it. It did kick start weight loss for me. One thing I liked is it has no restrictions on what you can eat, just when you eat. 😃

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      2. A whole day in bed Jackie!! The last time I did that was before I started the last year of antidepressants. Cried the whole bloody day. I made the decision to restart meds though. I’m not well and I have to face up to it. I’ll post about it soon but right now I feel too low. I’ll get there again. I have it a go I guess ❤️❤️


      3. I think restarting meds is a good decision. I know it’s a hard one though. Before meds my daughter would stay in bed some days with the door closed for long periods. She still has to do a lot of positive thinking ( which isn’t always easy ) and keep goals set but I see now she has the ability to do so, before she just couldn’t. Love you and I hope you feel better very soon!! ❤️❤️

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      4. That’s exactly it. I have an online programme to follow, based on CBT strategies but each time I look at it I can’t access the suggestions. I’m just too low. It’s all too overwhelming. The meds don’t stop everything but they do raise things so you can at least make a start in helping yourself. Thanks for messages of love and support xxx


    1. I say you are right Ashley. I thought it might help my mental health as there have been positive reports but actually it’s done the opposite and today I find myself in bed not able to face things. Ah well, tomorrow is another day for the depressed eh? Onwards and upwards … maybe x

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  2. wow ! Now that is unfair !!!! (come to think about it, I remember I didn’t lose much weight either when I did 30 days sugar free – but that was because I was compensating by eating a LOT of fat —nuts, peanut butter, etc.)–. In the end I was like “blerg, f****k it this is too restrictive I can’t do this forever”, but I was still proud of myself for sticking with it.) Anyway, I’m sorry you’re disappointed, especially as you’ve been religiously doing it…there is no justice !!!! Is there some kind of keto community you can ask about this? Whatever you decide to do in the end will be the good decision for you! Much respect for sticking to it this long! I know I couldn’t lol xxxxx ❤ Anne

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    1. Hey you. There have been some positives .. sugar cravings have gone etc but I don’t care about that if I’m actually gaining weight! If I’m going to put on 3lbs I want to enjoy it!! You are supposed to eat lots of fat on this diet but not as much protein as I have been maybe … nuts etc. I think actually my food intake is fairly low generally so this is making me eat more and maybe that’s where it’s come from. I’ll go back to what I was doing before. I miss my pasta and chips. Maybe I’ll keep the chocolate low of I can and see if calorie counting works better for me. I feel pretty rubbish today and I do this for health benefits too so all in all I give it a big thumbs down 👎 xxx


      1. awww I’m sorry you feel rubbish, I hope you feel better soon. As for the food, I a sure the keto experts wouldl say “don’t judge this early on”, but on the other hand, I also believe we intuitively know what’s good for us 🙂 lol I’m excited to know how it all plays out for you, but don’t worry, it’ll all turn out ok in the long run! xxxx

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      2. I’m not sure what to do with it but right now my appetite is zero anyway so it’s not an issue. I’ll see. I obviously wasn’t doing it right and having too much of something. Protein maybe? I think there are health benefits from it. I didn’t mind being on it but I can’t risk gaining more weight each week. X

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  3. Just an fyi…muscle weighs more than fat. If you are cycling or walking miles at a time, my guess would be you’re building muscle. It’s almost impossible to stick with a diet unless the whole family is on board, but we can be mindful of what we put in our mouths.

    I don’t spend money on diets. I do spend money on really good ingredients, cook all meals at home, and cut out all junk. We don’t have to deprive ourselves to be healthy.

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    1. You are right. It has stopped the sugar habit I was in so maybe that’s a positive to take from it. I’ll have a little break and then think about a healthy eating plan for us all.

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      1. Thanks … that’s really helpful. My boys eat far too much sugar so I’ll definitely go for it. Maybe now I’ve curved the cravings and I am used to less carbs and sugar I can transition to a more healthy eating lifestyle. I wanted to lose a stone but I can’t see that happening and the scales are not helping my mental health!!!! 😉

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      2. You can continue transitioning. That cookbook was tested on her kids, so it’s picky eater friendly. They key to losing weight is to walk/run off the calorie intake. Eat good food, and then move your body! 🙂

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  4. Omg almond croissant 🤤. That’s awesome that you’ve stuck to it so long. Especially missing out on a cream tea. Sometimes when I feel I’ve not lost any I check my measurements and see if those have changed? (Often they havent but with all the exercise yours might’ve). Well done and enjoy that well deserved coffee xxx

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  5. Hey Claire. How very frustrating. Even if you were losing weight, listening to you describe it doesn’t seem like it would be a sustainable way to live (I couldn’t do it either) so it would probably all come back once you went back to old eating habits. I hate diets and calorie counting. I’m not one to talk right now because I’ve been way overindulging on sugar, but I think that trying to create a healthy lifestyle is the way to go. We already don’t drink, score one there. We exercise, another point in our favor. So if we focus on limiting processed foods, carbs and sugar and eating lean proteins, fruits and veggies, we will be golden. I know this in my head and can say it to you, but being disciplined about it is another matter. SO easy to slip back into old eating habits. Hang in there friend. And ditch the diets! 💕

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    1. I think you are right. It’s clearly a diet that once you eat normally again just takes you back where you were and more. It completely threw me yesterday though and was just another ‘failure’ which is more about how I feel right now than the reality. I had a ‘day off’ life in the end. Stayed in bed. Cried a lot and made the decision to restart antidepressants. Life is for living, whether that is with or without medication to help. Xx

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      1. I’m glad you took a day off, and are being kind to yourself by acting as your own advocate. We all know what we need, at the heart level, and the challenge is drowning out the noise of expectations and opinions from others and doing what we know is right for us. Sending love.💕

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      2. Thanks Collette. It is a challenge but I’m definitely making the best choices for me right now and resting up, restarting my meds and having time out is what I need. 💕

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  6. Oh, that’s so terrible you didn’t lose any weight. Horrible things, diets! I say go for eating healthy most of the time (but not always) in reasonable portions, and call it a day! And I’m sorry you’ve been feeling down. I hope you feel better by the time you read this. ❤️

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    1. Yep, I think that’s what I’ll do. I tried it and actually didn’t mind it. It helps reduce the sugar cravings. But I can’t afford to gain more weight!!!

      I’m not great Leafy. Restarted the antidepressants yesterday. Feels like I’ve gone backwards but I didn’t think I could continue as I have been. A whole day in bed but today I have got up and I’ll at least get out for a walk. ❤️❤️

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      1. I’m so sorry you still feel terrible. A walk sounds like it could help. And in two weeks, the antidepressants will be at full strength, and everything will likely feel much better. Things may still not be perfect, but in my experience, they really help. And it’s ok to accept help when we need it! Thinking of you and sending support and love. And virtual hugs! ❤️🤗

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      2. Thanks so much Leafy. I know you understand and I just need to flatten out the rollercoaster of emotions and put it all on pause again whilst I take stock. Roll on two weeks. I appreciate you being here 😘 xx

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  7. You know, each plan is not for everyone.
    I love keto, but I think being celiac it is easy because I can’t eat anything half the time anyways.

    But I would never, ever give up my coffee. That would make life unlovable!


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    1. I have had coffee but not my latte’s etc. I haven’t minded doing it to be honest and I don’t find it that difficult. I just can’t keep gaining 3lbs a week!! I’m obviously not doing it right. My carbs are minimal so it much better too much protein?!! It’s the weight gain that puts me off, not the diet itself

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  8. I am so sorry you are frustrated with it. I don’t focus on the pounds on this lifestyle. For me it is the inches. I did plateau for the longest but that is because I gained muscle and lost tons of inches. I would say if you try it again, do it longer than 3 weeks. I am on month 10 which is long for some but I am maintaining my weight. For sure Keto is not for everyone and always ask a Dr. first before trying.

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    1. Hey, thanks for the response. I have actually persevered with it and although I don’t think I’ve gone into true ‘ketosis’ I do feel better in myself, I’m eating less and my aches and pains have reduced significantly. I haven’t lost much weight all in all but I’m definitely getting a little more toned. I think I still have too many carbs to get into ketosis. I’m planning to really give it a good go in the next week or two.


    1. To be honest, I did need to lower my carb intake and absolutely cut the sugar out, so,that was positive. I didn’t really mind the diet as such, I just didn’t lose weight. I was better when I started to eat less fat but keep carbs and sugar low generally. That seemed to at least stop me gaining weight which was happening on keto.


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