
Seals are not interested in the keto diet

It’s been a week of ups and downs, and not particularly in a fun way 😳. That’s an outrageous start to a post but I’m feeling a bit like that right now. Hell it’s my blog. I’ll be as outrageous as I like!

I began the keto diet a week ago. I’m following Dr Axe’s book mainly because he proposes lots of vegetables, vitamins and probiotic supplements to help the body adjust and to maintain a good overall balance. I’ve stuck to it fairly strictly and I have no idea if I’m doing it right and (WARNING!! F-bomb alert) who the fuck knows if I’m in ketosis or not? I don’t feel like I am because I am not feeling all kinds of shit. I was warned and almost put off that it would be terrible for a week or two, or even more. It really hasn’t been. After two days of sugar cravings that turned me into a monster no one ever wants to meet or even dream about, (seriously, never ever), I calmed down. My desperate need to live close by the fridge devouring anything that looks like chocolate has gone. I’ve had a couple of AF wines, making sure they are low in carbs, but not wanted more. Overall I haven’t felt very hungry. I’m not tired and in fact my energy levels have really upped their game in the past two days. My mood has improved considerably. Far, far less ‘woe is me’. The down side … I don’t think I’ve lost any weight. I haven’t weighed myself because I don’t want to feel all dejected and lose motivation. I am much less bloated than I was and it’s early days. I’m carrying on with yoga but not much else due to time constraints. I chose this diet due to research I’d read about improved mental health, positive impact on hormones and reduced inflammation in the joints and muscles. Weight was one additional factor. Only time will tell if it’s for me but less sugar surely has to be a good thing and at least there won’t be a chocolate shortage now.

Work has turned sour once again. The good old NHS eh? The pay offer and deal they finally proposed for my new role was frankly an insult and an embarrassment. I’ve said ‘no thanks’ and will wait to see the fall out. If they don’t take it seriously then I won’t continue to do it. Simple as that. I am disappointed but it hasn’t really affected me as much as I thought it would. I honestly believe, with this situation, the outcome will be the right one for me. What it has done is make me stop. I was working myself into the ground and after the ‘pay offer’ meeting I decided to hell with it. I would focus on my patients and families, support the speech and language team which is the role I AM paid for and leave the rest alone. I pretty much took this morning off, had a lovely chat to a friend over the phone, sorted out my son’s school uniform and bought a bright lime green bag in the sale. I think the NHS owed me some time and it felt bloody brilliant.

I have booked a sports massage, I’m thinking of going to visit my friend in London sometime soon and I’m planning on become the queen of keto baking this weekend. I have my almond and coconut flour and I’m raring to go. I did have to close my eyes and hold my breath when I pressed the button to buy it. Boy, it’s so expensive! The cookies better taste like the sweetest nectar is all I can say.

This weekend I will have been sober for 9 months. Riding that Soberista train with many of you. Though my life is full of ups and downs (steady on, you’re all at it now), I am dealing with them. I’m starting to believe that I can do this, I’m not alone and I’m worth good things. I know for sure that belief would never had happened if I was still drinking alcohol.

Love Claire x

32 thoughts on “Outrageous”

  1. I think the surplus of chocolate has headed towards the midlands. Obviously I’ve got it under control and dealing with it😂
    Congratulations on 9 months sober, that’s so inspiring and encouraging to hear.
    My friends are speechies and work so hard. I was really worried about them working so up close with patients with all this covid, definitely an area not as well recognised for working under pressure with Covid.
    Fair play to you for standing up for yourself. And congratulations on the new bag purchase xx

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    1. Good for you. Just look after that chocolate well for me. That’s great you have friends that are speechies too. It’s not a job many know much about so always good to get some support. Thanks for the lovely comment xx

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  2. Claire you sound so good in this post! I know it’s been hard so it’s great to hear you kicking ass at work and taking time for yourself – you deserve it – happy 9 months sober sister! 💞💞👏👏👏

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  3. Lots of positives here Claire- shame about work situation but the things you can control sound great. I’ve started a type of hybrid diet myself so will be interesting to see how we both do. Congratulations on the 9 months. X


  4. Happy 9 months!! That’s wonderful. Sounds like you are really taking care of yourself with the work thing- even if it is disappointing about what they offered you for the new role. And you’re off the chocolate! Good for you! Woo hoo! 👍🏻❤️

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    1. I’ve worked a long day today but now I have 4 days off and I’m not looking at a single email. I braved the scales this morning and lost 3lbs. I’m chuffed but the main aim is to find a way of eating that keeps it steady rather than yoyo-ing all over the place. Get rid of a stone and half and then maintain.

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  5. congrats Girl! 9 months is a LOT to be proud of…that Keto diet can be tough..i thought i would slide right into it because i mostly eat meat anyway…but after a few weeks i craved breads like never before…it did help me lose weight for awhile..but so far even after 2 years of going off of it i know no one who has been able to sustain it for the long term..there has to be some though… also, u can get strips at the drug store to test for Ketosis. We used to only use this diet for kids wit seizure disorders ( oddly- and they still do but now its become mainstream) . We had to test them regularly to be sure they stayed in ketosis…anyway..good luck!!!

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    1. Yeah I’m not planning to sustain it, just want to shift some pounds and get off the sugar. Then I’ll switch to lower carb and low sugar with more exercise to maintain. That’s the plan anyways


  6. Good for you standing your ground with the job it sounds like an excellent method! Not sure if you have Aldi near you, here at ours they have almond flour cheap! Otherwise can’t comment on the keto because I try to do mostly whole foods vegan (with some eggs) but after more than a decade of reading and talking nutrition stuff, I’ve realized it’s so true everyone is different with regards to what “works” for them. I’ve also seen friends have great success just adjusting their macros.

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    1. Ooh … I will look out for that almond flour in Aldi. I love Aldi. Yep, I think you have to sort your diet according to you and your aims. I want to lose and 14 – 21 lbs and then find a diet I can manage that maintains my weight within half a stone. I’m fed up with yo-yo effect. Keto was a way for me to be drastic, get over my sugar addiction, lose some pounds and then start to relax that a little. I did lose 3 this week which is great. The positive is I’m feeling so much better for doing it so it doesn’t feel like a hardship right now. 😊


  7. Yes! So proud of you. Stick with the keto. Are you doing a set amount of time? And you probably are losing weight, though it tends to come back quickly if you revert to your normal eating routines (I speak from experience). Breaking the sugar habit is a definitely a good thing. I notice I get worse when I’m stressed, I don’t drink anymore…I have chocolate! 😬 💕

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    1. I definitely have turned my alcohol addition into a sugar addiction. I’m planning to do it until I lose 21lbs. Then I have a 7lb buffer and will run to work out a more moderate way of eating that just keeps carbs lower and reduces sugar. I lost 3lbs (I braved those scales) but I know that is mostly water. My problem (as it is with everything I do in life) is I can’t eat ‘normally’. I diathermy have to have a drastic, restricted diet or I completely have no ‘off’ or ‘stop’ button. No way can I just have a few chunks of chocolate. I will keep shovelling it into my face until I feel sick. I’ll persevere with this for at least 30 days as that’s what this guy suggests. Then review. Xx

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  8. Hey you! Congratulations on 9 months! I made these peanut butter cookies awhile ago for my sister in law who has celiac disease. It was called 4 ingredient peanut butter cookies. They were awesome and I bet are within the keto diet guidelines! I think a trip to London to see your friend would be refreshing! I hope you are able to do that! Let us know how your weekend baking turns out! 😃❤️😍❤️😍

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  9. Such a positive post!! As far as not feeling any ill effects in beginning the keto diet, do you know your blood type? According to the book Eat Right for Your Type, blood type O usually feels much better eating more meat (portion control, of course) and few carbs especially wheat, corn.

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    1. I’m not sure but it’s not blood type O I don’t think. I wonder whether I do have allergies to certain foods as I feel far less bloated that’s for sure. My appetite is less too.

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  10. you ARE not alone and deserve million good things! Also, LOL to wondering about losing weight on day 2 🙂 I am sure you will see results soon 🙂 I loved this post, it sounds like you’re really starting to stand up for yourself and stand your ground and that’s super duper inspiring ❤ xxx Anne

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      1. I use an app called ‘daily yoga’ which after a few weeks using the free subscription I paid up for a year which is around £4 per month. It’s great and has different guided meditations and all sites of other stuff too. Used it daily!! I have recently started doing some of yoga with Adriene on you tube. I absolutely love it. She’s really helped me not be quite so static. I never thought I’d get so much out of it but I can’t see me not doing it now. X

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