
Photo by Nick Seagrave on Unsplash

I’m still concerned that I’m not taking this as seriously as I did the last time but maybe that’s because this time I have a map and I know the route. Although everyone’s journey to achieve and maintain sobriety is very individual, I found there were definite road signs and sights we all reached at some point in the journey. Common themes that appeared in blogs which helped build connections and reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness. That was the most difficult emotion I dealt with in the first few days. I felt totally alone and like an outcast because I wanted to stop drinking. For good. That was so tough.

A few days in I found this site and started to slowly interact on blogs about going sober. I built a supportive community around myself and that community was the single most important factor to my getting through the first 30 days. It was one of the main reasons I remained sober for almost 2 1/2 years but in those first few weeks it was crucial to me keeping going.

This time I don’t feel isolated or lonely because I’m so aware of the thousands of other people who make the difficult and brave decision to live alcohol free. So maybe that’s why I’m doubting my ability and seriousness to do this again. Maybe feeling connected with likeminded people with a similar approach before I picked up the journey again just means I’m less anxious and stressed about being the ‘only one’ with no one else understanding.

I hope so anyway because I really do want to continue making my map from where I left off!

Love Claire x

11 thoughts on “Orienteering”

    1. Not really. I have a fair few friends that drink very little and are definitely not motivated by alcohol. I do find that difficult. I’m heading out for the day with family and my cousin from the US who I only see one a year … it’s a test today for sure x


      1. I’m so glad the test went well ! And it’s nice to have friends who aren’t really interested in alcohol – i always feel like they « don’t get it » but are a true blessing when you’re learning new habits like becoming interested in other things than alcohol 😂

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  1. It’s definitely understandable to be a bit nervous. What helps me get a better feel is it an excitable nervousness? That’s the tiny spark from my soul saying hell yes lets GO! You have all my love and support, Claire. You will do this!

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    1. I think some of it is excitement this time because, although I know it’s a huge challenge, I’m looking forward to finding that peace again and knowing I’m treating my physical and mental self right!!!
      Thanks Dwight 😘

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  2. I love how you said your looking forward to finding the peace again, that’s so spot on! Another thing that helped me was when I would want to drink it would start after work. I told myself I conditioned my brain to want a drink then and now I have to condition it not to. So much harder but so worth the fight. Xxx

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